Financial Advisers

Taxation courses for

Financial Advisers

Taxation is an area which is under constant change and financial professionals should be aware of the Australian taxation system. Our courses cover the areas required by the Corporations (Relevant Providers—Education and Training Standards) Determination 2021 made under the Corporations Act 2001 for those financial advisers who wish to qualify as “tax (financial) advisers”.

More information on the educational requirements of tax (financial) advisers is available on the ASIC website.

At least 40% of the assessment for the entire course must be completed under independent supervision. You must check the requirements upon commencing the course to understand which assessments are to be supervised. 

TPB516FA Australian Taxation Law for Tax (financial) Advisers

In this course, individuals are introduced to the Australian taxation system, and the ways rules and regulations might affect a client’s strategies and investments. It explores how different types of income can attract different taxation treatment, with specific attention to capital gains, GST, and superannuation.

Our course in Taxation Law covers the requirements for tax (financial) advisers seeking registration.

This course covers the following areas of knowledge;

  • The consequences of not providing a Tax File Number (TFN);
  • Different income tax components;
  • How deductions may reduce taxable income;
  • Calculating income tax liabilities;
  • Various tax offsets and rebates available to Australian taxpayers;
  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and how it applies to capital gains and losses;
  • Taxation of Superannuation
  • Goods and Services Tax;
  • Medicare Levy and Surcharge;
  • Fringe Benefits Tax.

At least 40% of the assessment for the entire course must be completed under independent supervision. The following people are some who are considered as “Independent Supervisors”: 

  • examination officers of universities
  • TAFE or registered training organisation
  • ministers of religion
  • police officers
  • lecturers, teachers, school principals or deputy principals
  • justices of the peace
  • commissioners of declarations, or
  • a person who is currently licensed or registered under a law of a state or territory to practise in one of the occupations listed here.

The following are not considered “Independent Supervisors”:

  • family member
  • friend 
  • someone with a close personal or professional relationship (i.e., business partner) with the individual undertaking the assessment.

AAMC Training may supervise your assessment for an additional charge – please refer to our terms and conditions under the fee schedule.  

More information on training requirements are available here.

2 x Online multi-choice assessments
2 x Online short answer assessments (must be done under supervision)
1 x Written assessment
1 x Workplace project 

This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.

For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor. 

CPD Hours – 6


• Technical competence: 4.5 hours
• Client Care and Practice:  0.5 hour
• Regulatory Compliance and Consumer Protection: 0.5 hour
• Professionalism and Ethics:  0.5 hour

TPB517FA Commercial Law for Tax (financial) Advisers

This course provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to apply the legal principles in commercial law when providing tax (financial) advice services.  

This course applies to individuals who provide tax (financial) advice services as defined in the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (Cth). Individuals providing such services are generally required to be registered tax (financial) advisers.

This course covers the following areas of knowledge;

  • Australian legal systems and Commercial Law;
  • Legal concepts of Contract Law;
  • Legal concepts of Consumer Law;
  • Business structures;
  • Key features of Australian Corporations Law;
  • Key concepts of Trusts;
  • Commercial Law information;
  • Applying knowledge to business structures;

At least 40% of the assessment for the entire course must be completed under independent supervision. The following people are some who are considered as “Independent Supervisors”: 

  • examination officers of universities
  • TAFE or registered training organisation
  • ministers of religion
  • police officers
  • lecturers, teachers, school principals or deputy principals
  • justices of the peace
  • commissioners of declarations, or
  • a person who is currently licensed or registered under a law of a state or territory to practise in one of the occupations listed here.

The following are not considered “Independent Supervisors”:

  • family member
  • friend 
  • someone with a close personal or professional relationship (i.e., business partner) with the individual undertaking the assessment.

AAMC Training may supervise your assessment for an additional charge – please refer to our terms and conditions under the fee schedule.  

More information on training requirements are available here.

2 x Online multi-choice assessments
2 x Online short answer assessments (must be done under supervision)
1 x Written assessment 

This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.

For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor. 

CPD Hours – 4


  • Technical Competence: 3.5 hours
  • Regulatory Compliance and Consumer Protection: 0.25 hour
  • Professionalism and Ethics: 0.25 hour

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Continual Professional Development (CPD) provides each individual with a framework within which they must take responsibility for their own learning. A number of associations have CPD programs in place and the CPD has become a legal requirement in many sectors of the finance industry. Hours are awarded for each activity and these hours are set by the relevant associations or the regulatory bodies pertaining to the relevant profession.

AAMC Training Group is a wholly Australian owned Registered Training Organisation (RTO number 51428), operating nationally and internationally.

All of our qualification courses are both nationally recognised by the FBAA and MFAA.