Tax Practioners Board
Approved courses for Tax Agents
All Australian financial services licensees and representatives who provide tax agent services for a fee (or other reward) must be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB). To register as a tax practitioner, individuals must meet the qualification and experience requirements set out in the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2022. Our courses have been approved by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) as suitable to meet the standards required for registering Tax Agents.
Please ensure you have used the qualifications check/self-assessments tool available on the Tax Practitioners Board website or contact the TPB to determine which of these courses are required as part of your registration requirements. AAMC Training approved courses may be verified on the TPB site here.
The TPB requires that at least 40% of course assessments must be undertaken under independent supervision. You must check the requirements upon commencing the course to understand which assessments are to be supervised.
Commercial Law
The TPB503TA Contract and Consumer Law course describes the skills and knowledge required to research, analyse, and apply legal principles to provide advice on contract and consumer law implications to clients. It applies to individuals whose job role involves the application of knowledge of contract and consumer law in the workplace.
The course will cover the following:
- Identifying the client’s circumstances
- Contract and consumer law and related legislation, regulation, and practice
- Types of relevant contract and consumer transactions
- Legal principles applying to contract and consumer matters
- Risks in a contract and consumer law application
- Impact of legal issues on business structure types
- Client Circumstances and Risk Implication
- Applying contract and consumer law to clients
- Seeking a specialist’s advice and guidance
- Maintain legal knowledge
Whilst we have provided some learning content for this module if you would like to have a more detailed resource with activities and case study examples, we suggest you purchase this Contract and Consumer Law ebook resource.
1 x Workplace Project
1 x Written Assessment under Supervision (including a statutory declaration of Independent Supervision – please review the requirements here)
This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.
For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor.
CPD Hours = 4
The TPB504TA Corporations and Trust Law course explains how to research, identify legal principles and issues in corporations and trust law matters and apply this knowledge to provide advice to clients.
It applies to individuals who work with corporations and trust laws in the workplace as determined by the job role, legislation, rules, regulations, and codes of practice relevant to different jurisdictions.
The course will cover the following:
- The operation of the Australian legal systems and processes relevant to corporations and trust law;
- How laws are engaged and their underlying policy aims;
- How laws may be interpreted by existing common law and equitable rules and applied to corporations and trusts;
- Legal concepts of business organisation structures and the underlying regulation;
- The legal aspects of superannuation;
- Identify and reference the key features of Australian corporations’ law; and
- Examine legal concepts and scope of law covering trusts.
Whilst we have provided some learning content for this module if you would like to have a more detailed resource with activities and case study examples, we suggest you purchase this Corporations and Trusts Law ebook resource.
1 x Workplace Project
1 x Written Assessment under Supervision (including a statutory declaration of Independent Supervision – please review the requirements here)
This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.
For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor.
CPD Hours – 4
The TPB505TA Property Law course explains how to identify types of property law, property transactions, and risk in relation to property matters and law. The ability to analyse legal issues impacting different types of legal entities and business structures are covered within this course.
This course applies to individuals whose role involves the application of knowledge of property law in the workplace.
This course will enable you to:
- Explain the operation of the Australian legal systems and process relevant to property law;
- Outline how laws are enacted and their underlying policy aims;
- Explain how those laws may be interpreted by existing common law and equitable rules and applied to property laws;
- Outline legal aspects of real property law; and
- Outline legal aspects of person property law.
1 x Workplace Project / Case Study
1 x Written Assessment under Supervision (including a statutory declaration of Independent Supervision – please review the requirements here)
This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.
For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor.
CPD Hours – 4
The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) requires that at least 40% of the assessment for each course must be undertaken under independent supervision.
The following people are some who are considered as “Independent Supervisors”:
- examination officers of universities
- TAFE or registered training organisation
- ministers of religion
- police officers
- lecturers, teachers, school principals or deputy principals
- justices of the peace
- commissioners of declarations, or
- a person who is currently licensed or registered under a law of a state or territory to practise in one of the occupations listed here.
The following are not considered “Independent Supervisors”:
- family member
- friend
- someone with a close personal or professional relationship (i.e., business partner) with the individual undertaking the assessment
AAMC Training may supervise your assessment for an additional charge – please refer to our terms and conditions under the fee schedule.
Basic Accounting Principles
This Introduction to Australian Taxation Law course is equivalent to the TPB Basic Accounting Principals course and is designed to meet the standards set by the TPB for individuals aspiring to become registered tax agents. It provides a foundational understanding of key taxation principles, ensuring that participants are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills required to effectively navigate and apply Australian tax laws.
This course covers the following areas of knowledge:
- Consequences of not providing a Tax File Number (TFN);
- Different income tax components;
- How deductions may reduce taxable income;
- Calculating income tax liabilities;
- Various tax offsets and rebates available to Australian taxpayers;
- Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and how it applies to capital gains and losses;
- CGT concessions for small business;
- Goods and Services Tax;
- Medicare Levy and surcharge;
- Fringe Benefits Tax;
- Different types of gearing and their benefits.
Whilst we have provided some learning content for this module if you would like to have a more detailed resource with activities and case study examples, we suggest you purchase this Apply Taxation Requirements ebook resource.
2 x Online multi-choice assessments
2 x Online short answer assessments under Supervision (including a statutory declaration of Independent Supervision – please review the requirements)
1 x Written assessment
This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.
For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor.
CPD Hours – 4
Advanced Taxation
The TPB601TA Taxation of Legal Entities (also referred to as the Advanced Taxation for Tax Agents) course explains the skills and knowledge required to identify taxation requirements for complex lodgements and returns for legal entities. It involves gathering, analysing and processing taxation related data to prepare tax documentation, and to review and apply compliance requirements.
This course applies to individuals who use specialised knowledge and systematic approaches and who follow specific guidelines to ensure compliance requirements are met.
This course covers the following areas of knowledge:
- The three levels of government
- Separation of powers and the rule of law
- Managing Australian law
- Australian courts and other regulatory bodies
- Identifying and confirming the suitability of legal entities
- Conducting research to identify updates or additions to compliance requirements
- Determining client’s tax documentation preparation requirements
- Identifying and collecting client data relevant to tax documentation requirements
- Analysing data to extract relevant tax information and identify any discrepancies
- Obtaining advice and guidance from specialist to evaluate, and moderate decision processes
- Calculating client’s tax obligations, in accordance with legislative requirement
- Preparing tax documentation to comply with relevant ATO, legislative and organisational recording and reporting requirements
- Presenting and confirming documentation with clients to obtain client signature, authorisation and endorsement
- Submitting relevant tax documentation to the ATO within established timelines
- Advising client of current tax obligations and any advice from taxation authorities
- Tax office enquiries and meeting taxation audit requirements
Whilst we have provided some learning content for this module if you would like to have a more detailed resource with activities and case study examples, we suggest you purchase this Advanced Income Tax Law ebook resource.
1 x Case Study
1 x Income Tax Return Assessment
1 x Written Assessment with Supervision (including a statutory declaration of Independent Supervision – please review the requirements here)
This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.
For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor.
CPD Hours – 4
Tax Agent Services Act (TASA) 2009
This course covers the areas required by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) for those providing advice in taxation under the Tax Agents Services Act 2009 (TASA). Under TASA, it is a requirement that the advice provided is given professionally and ethically as required by TASA. This Act extends to every external Territory.
Further, registered tax practitioners that are members of professional bodies may have professional and ethical obligations imposed on them as members of those bodies. While other codes may present similar duties and requirements, the duties created by the TASA are, where applicable, required to be complied with in addition to these other obligations.
This course will:
- Recognise the objects of TASA 2009
- Identify the eligibility requirements of registration and any transitional provisions
- Recognise the Code of Professional Conduct and its administrative sanctions, and civil penalty provisions.
There are three multiple choice assessments in this course. You will need to be supervised completing two of these assessments:
- TASA2009 Quiz 1
- TASA2009 Quiz 2 – under supervision
- TASA2009 Quiz 3 – under supervision
This course is designed to be completed online in your own time. Your enrolment is valid for a period of six months.
For the independent supervision requirement, you may need to either attend other premises, or do a virtual supervision, sharing your screen with your supervisor. A declaration of independent supervision is required to be downloaded and signed at the time of taking the two assessments.
CPD Hours – 3
Contact Us
- 03 9391 3643
- Int +61 39391 3643
- Suite 3375, 805/220 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Should you need to enrol in two or more courses to achieve your TPB requirements, a discount offer will be sent to you
once your first course has been certified. We suggest you enrol into and complete one course at a time.
Our Industry Associations

Have Further Questions?
What are CPD hours?
Continual Professional Development (CPD) provides each individual with a framework within which they must take responsibility for their own learning. A number of associations have CPD programs in place and the CPD has become a legal requirement in many sectors of the finance industry. Hours are awarded for each activity and these hours are set by the relevant associations or the regulatory bodies pertaining to the relevant profession.
Are the courses nationally recognised?
AAMC Training Group is a wholly Australian owned Registered Training Organisation (RTO number 51428), operating nationally and internationally.
Is this course accepted by industry associations?
All of our qualification courses are both nationally recognised by the FBAA and MFAA.